You can attend regular meetings in-person or online.
All are welcome at Bremerton School Board meetings. Meetings are held in-person, and broadcast on Zoom.
All are welcome to attend a School Board meeting in-person.
Meetings are held at the Bremerton School District Administrative Offices at 134 Marion Avenue North (view map) in the Board Room.
All Bremerton School District Regular Board meetings are broadcast online via Zoom.
Zoom meetings are not interactive; participants via Zoom can communicate in the Chat, but cannot make public comment.
Please contact Marlaina Simmons via email or call 360-473-1006.
There is a public comment period during each regular meeting where visitors may address the Board. Each speaker has up to three minutes.
To address the board during a meeting:
You may also comment prior to Board action on any specific action agenda item, by simply raising your hand during Board discussion. Comments on agenda items are also limited to three minutes.
You can reach School Board Directors on their District-issued mobile phones. Phone numbers are listed under Director bios on our "Meet Our School Board Directors" page.