Renting District Facilities
Thank you for considering the facilities of Bremerton School District for your event or program. The public is encouraged to use school facilities when school is not in session, but shall be expected to reimburse the District for such use. This ensures that funds intended for education are not used for other purposes.
Authorization for use of school facilities shall not be considered an endorsement (implied or actual) of or approval of the activity, group or organization, nor the purposes it represents. District facilities are considered public property and, as such, organizations renting school facilities must allow general public access to the events. The District does not provide space for private parties or restricted attendance events.
District-sponsored activities, including curricular and co-curricular functions, retain first priority in the use of District facilities. The second priority will be given to non-profit Bremerton youth groups and community recreation programs, and the third priority will be shared by other non-profit community organizations.
Youth Sports - Concussion and Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Policy 3422 and 3422P, Procedures (Youth Sports Concussion and Cardiac Arrest)
All youth sports groups must be compliant with HB 1824 (Concussions and Head Injuries) and SSB 5083 (Sudden Cardiac Arrest), as summarized here (Nick of Time) providing information and training to players, coaches and parents/guardians. A completed Compliance Statement, along with the required insurance, must be submitted to the Business Office. Clubs must ensure that they have provided information to athletes and parents/guardians, and have on file statements of compliance from players and parents/guardians as well as training certificates of completion from the coaches, in compliance with the Acts.Online Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Pamphlets for Students, Parents, and Coaches are available on the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction's website or get the pdf here. Another good resource may be the American Heart Association Puget Sound. Free online training for Concussions and Head Injuries is also available on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.
As required by RCW 28A.600, the WIAA has published a Sudden Cardiac Arrest Training Video - It can be accessed here. Another online resource for similar training is through the National Federation of State High School Associations (NHFS). The training takes approximately 15 minutes and is available to organizations at {https://nfhslearn.com/courses/61032}. For this course, you may need to create a log-in, but our understanding is that the NFHS provides this free to coaches, recreational coaches, parents, and players.
User Categories:
B - Non-profit youth organizations (predominantly BSD students)
C - Community betterment groups (includes other local youth groups)
D - Non-community and/or nonprofit groups
E - Commercial enterprises
For facility usage rates click here.
Applications for facility use must be submitted at least two (2) weeks in advance of the requested use date. Applications shall not be considered officially approved until it has gone through the 3-tier approval process, all insurance, and necessary paperwork is in place, and the event shows on the District calendar (the event will show only after the requestor has 'finalized' each event/date). Although discouraged, late applications may be considered at the discretion of the District Administration Office.
Questions? Need help?
Please contact Ioanna Cossack at 360-473-1031 or ioanna.cossack@bremertonschools.org.
When should you schedule fields
Fall season (Sept-Nov) - Submit by June 1*
Winter season (Dec-Feb) - Submit beginning Sept 1st
Spring season (Mar-May) - Submit beginning Dec 1st
Summer season (Jun-Aug) - Submit beginning Mar 1st
*Availability will be open May 15th for users to be able to enter their facility rental requests prior to schools closing for summer break.
Alternative Formats
If you are in need of any of these documents in alternative formats, including languages other than English and formats to serve the visually impaired, please contact Ioanna Cossack at 360-473-1031, or email ioanna.cossack@bremertonschools.org. Mailing address: 134 Marion Avenue North, Bremerton, WA 98312.