McKinney-Vento Act - Students Experiencing Homelessness
Bremerton School District's homeless program ensures students have access to education and can fully participate in school. We encourage student's education by removing barriers that would limit their ability to fully engage and participate in school activities and events. We strive to partner with families to stay involved in their student's education by providing resources and community referrals to assist with educational support services and basic needs.
If you lost your housing and now live in a shelter, motel, vehicle, camping ground, or temporary trailer; on the street; doubled-up with family or friends due to loss of housing or economic hardship; or in another type of temporary or inadequate housing, your child might be able to receive help through a federal law called the McKinney-Vento Act.
Your family may be eligible for services under this federal program if you live in any of the following conditions:- Unsheltered, living in a vehicle of any kind, park, campground, bus/train station, abandoned building, without running water/electricity, abandoned in a hospital, or inadequate housing accommodations
- Temporarily living with another person due to loss of housing, economic hardship or similar reason
- Hotel/motel
- Emergency or transitional shelter
- Children who are not living with a parent or legal guardian
McKinney-Vento eligible students have the right to:- Receive a free public education
- Immediate enrollment in school, even if you lack documents required for enrollment
- Attend classes while the school gathers your missing documents
- Enroll in the school closest to you or the school you were last enrolled in (school of origin) even if you have been forced to relocate
- Receive transportation to and from your school of origin
- Receive all the same educational services other students receive, even if you can't pay
- Participate in before and after school programs
- Receive counseling
- Receive free breakfast and lunch
- Participate in special education, bilingual, vocational and gifted programs as qualified
- Receive school supplies
- Receive evaluation for any disabilities
- Receive support from the Bremerton School District McKinney-Vento Liaison - Dr. Jennifer Hernandez
View the following documents for services and more information about your rights:- Information for School-Aged Youth
- Information for Parents
- Kitsap Community RESOURCE GUIDE
- Información para padres
- Información para Jóvenes en Edad Escolar
- Dispute Resolution Policy
- Dispute Resolution Paperwork
- Bremerton School District McKinney Vento Brochure
For more information about this federal program, please visit the Homeless Education section of the OSPI website or contact by email mckinneyvento@k12.wa.us or phone 360-725-6505.Contact your local school's interventionist or counselor (shown below) and/or our Homeless Liaison, Dr. Jennifer Hernandez, in our Special Programs Department at 360-473-1077.School Counselor/Interventionist Armin Jahr Crownhill Johanna Cox Kitsap Lake John Bieker Naval Avenue Anthony Avenson View Ridge Kim McClure West Hills S.T.E.M. Caitlin Clemons Bremerton High School Grade 10-12 last name (A-F) Melanie Fleites Grade 10-12 last name (G-M) Cynthia Kapsch Grade 10-12 last name (N-Z) Darence Shine Grade 9 Lisa LeSueur Mountain View Middle School Grade 6 Karla Polillo Grade 7 Dean Wagner Grade 8 Kasia Roque Renaissance High School