Highly Capable Program Grades K-12

  • The Highly Capable Program
    serves students in grades K-12 in the Bremerton School District who have been identified as a Highly Capable learner and completed the identification process.  Once a student is identified with the unique learning skills sets, they will be matched with one of the following district services to meet their needs:

    • Support at the elementary school the student attends
    • Services in a self-contained program at Kitsap Lake
    • Support and services at their secondary school with clustered homerooms and AP and Honors classes

    To determine whether this program would be a good fit for a student, it is important for parents to discuss academic abilities and performance with the child’s teacher(s).  In addition to high academic performance, highly capable children often exhibit the following characteristics:   

    • Ability to comprehend material several grade levels above their age peers
    • Surprising emotional depth and sensitivity at a young age
    • Strong sense of curiosity
    • Enthusiastic about unique interests and topics 
    • Quirky or mature sense of humor
    • Creative problem solving and imaginative expression
    • Absorbs information quickly with few repetitions needed
    • Self-aware, socially aware, and aware of global issues 

    Source: The Davidson Institute


  • Student Referral Procedure

  • Student Assessment Procedure

  • Eligibility Criteria

  • Placement/Services

  • Appeals Process

  • Evaluation of the Highly Capable Services/Program