Bremerton School District annual budget

2024-25 Budget Update

  • The Bremerton School District continues to innovate to meet the growing needs of our students while balancing the increasing costs associated with these needs. We are not alone in this dilemma, as many school districts around the state find themselves in a similar, difficult financial position - with costs and needs exceeding funding from the state. 

    Major factors impacting school budgets, including ours, are: the cost of providing special education services exceeds the funding we get from the state and federal governments; student needs have grown and changed, yet the money to support these needs is going away, even though support is still needed; and costs for the things school districts need to operate has skyrocketed, yet the funding the state provides for these necessities has not kept up. Learn more here.

Public Hearing scheduled for 2024-25 budget adoption

  • Public hearing

    Notice is hereby given that on Thursday, August 15, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., the Bremerton School District (BSD) Board of Directors will be holding their regular Board meeting that will include a public hearing on the 2024-2025 school year budget.  The meeting and public hearing will be held in the Boardroom of the Bremerton School District's administration building at 134 Marion Ave. N., Bremerton, Washington 98312 and via Zoom.  Any person may participate in the hearing and be heard for or against any part of such budget, the 4-year budget plan, or any proposed changes to uses of enrichment funding under RCW  28A.505.240.  

    A preliminary draft 2024-25 budget will first be presented to the Board for information on Thursday, August 1, 2024, at its regular meeting to be held at 5:00 p.m. at the BSD administration building (address above).  Action to adopt the proposed budget will be taken on August 15th.  To view any documents, please visit BoardDocs.  

    If you are interested in attending via Zoom Webinar, you can register to participate in the meeting at BoardDocs.

    Copies of the proposed budget are also available by contacting the district office at 360.473.1034 or emailing


Learn more about school funding issues

  • The Washington Association of School Administrators (WASA) has launched a new website to better explain the issues creating financial pressure on K-12 school districts, and the need for state funding to reflect these increasing costs. We encourage you to explore the site and share it with others in the community who may be concerned about why schools are struggling and what issues may be affecting K-12 budgets right now.