English Language Learner (ELL) Program

  • The English Language Learner program provides a continuum of services to individuals who are learning English.  We have certificated EL-endorsed teachers who oversee our services for students at each school site.

    Identifying English Language Learners
     ELL Identification
    Every student that registers in Bremerton School District must fill out a Home Language Survey. If a student answers "a language other than English" to question #2 or to question #3 on the Home Language Survey, they are identified as possibly qualifying for ELL services. An ELL staff member will administer the English language screener assessment to the student within their first 10 days of attendance. Based on their scores, parents will be notified if the student qualifies for services and is entered into BSD's ELL program.

    Washington State adopted the WIDA English Language Development Standards Framework in 2021. This includes English Development Standards, Assessments, and Professional Learning. For more information on OSPI's adoption of the WIDA Framework, visit their website here.

    The WIDA Screener is used to determine initial student eligibility for English Language Learners services.  The Screener is given to all students whose families answer "a language other than English" to question #2 or to question #3 on the Home Language Survey.
    The WIDA Access is the Annual test is given to all students who qualify for ELL services.   It measures students' growth in English language knowledge and skills. Results from this test determine which students are eligible to continue to receive ELL services.  
    For more information on the WIDA assessments, please check out OSPI's website: OSPI English Language Proficiency Assessments
    Washington State has adopted the WIDATM Alternate ACCESS for ELL as an alternative assessment to measure the language proficiency for English Learners (ELs) with significant cognitive disabilities. 


    On-Call Interpreters Available

    If you need support communicating in another language, we have on-call interpreting services available. For more information, please contact your school or Julie Fairall at 360-473-1077or julie.fairall@bremertonschools.org.


    For more information on our dual language programs, please visit: Bremerton Dual Immersion Programs